Join us on our journey to empower women through fitness.

Unleashing the power of community in women’s fitness

We believe that fitness extends beyond physical strength; it encompasses mental wellness and a strong support system. At Pace Fitness, we provide a safe and inclusive space where women can connect, find inspiration, and receive the mental health support they need. Together, we'll redefine what it means to be fit, strong, and confident.


Elevating women’s fitness with mindful support and community.

We are on a mission to create something truly special – a women's fitness community that goes beyond workouts and embraces the power of sisterhood.

Too often, we encountered judgment, unrealistic standards, and a sense of inadequacy that left us feeling discouraged and disconnected in our fitness journeys.

Starting Pace Fitness has been a labour of love, born out of a desire to provide a space where women can thrive, support each other, and prioritise their mental health alongside their physical well-being. In this community, we uplift and inspire one another, celebrating our unique strengths and journeys so that each individual can grow at her own pace.

Pace Fitness is not just about fitness; it's about fostering a sense of belonging, empowerment, and growth. Together, we are redefining what it means to be a strong and united community of women.

Our Events!



Be empowered and energised! Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting your journey, we welcome you!.

Mind Matters

Mind Matters

Prioritise your mental wellness and nurture a positive mindset. Our online group therapy programme provides a safe space and supportive environment for healing and self-discovery.



Grab your friends and your joyful spirit for our community outings! Experience the joy of building connections within our vibrant community of women.

"Thank you for making such a wholesome community."

"A safe space 💕 ."

"Wow, this group is so great."

"Thank you for spreading love and positivity to all of us <33."

"You’ve touched all of us, whether we’re active or inactive!!💓."

"I used to only use the treadmill ."

"Learn a lot of different exercises ."

"Blessed to be part of this community."

"If you're woman, you need to be a part of this."

"Really encouraging group of people."

Meet the Founders.

Vera and Chloe met in university and bonded over their shared vision for inclusive women's fitness spaces that prioritise mental health and community support. Fueled by a desire to break free from the outdated norms and stereotypes, they embarked on a mission to create a sanctuary where women can thrive holistically.


They believe that mental well-being is the foundation for achieving overall fitness, and that's why they've cultivated an environment where empowerment, encouragement, and support are at the core. With their unwavering commitment to inclusivity, Vera and Chloe have built a community that celebrates diversity and embraces every woman's unique journey. Whether you're a seasoned fitness enthusiast or taking your first steps towards a healthier lifestyle, Pace Fitness is here to guide and uplift you every step of the way.

Join us and find your pace!

Be part of our Telegram group for updates on our upcoming events and interact with our community!